Saturday 11 February 2012

Brussels sprout and curry omelette

Since you are still reading this you must be a pretty open-minded individual. You may pat yourself on the back if so inclined
As I scoffed this just a moment ago, I realized that it pays to be open-minded. It's another strange and unusual way to eat the seasonal brussels sprouts. You just need a handful, chopped finely. Brown them in butter for about 10min, then add the eggs which have been previously beaten with salt, pepper, a pinch of chilli powder, some turmeric and a splash of single cream (or milk). Allow this to cook on a low heat for a while, then fold in half, and cook for a little longer. I ate this with a good quality mango chutney (Greeta's is the one I like). And you can find some more ideas with what to do with brussels sprouts here. And here

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