January has started to make sense to me. It is a month which I would suggest we all fill with friends and plans: sharing food and hugs with the ones we love, while dreaming of what the year ahead may hold. Coming up with new ideas and discussing them at length with people who love to dream is one of my favourite things in life. Luckily, my unexpected lodger for the month also appears to like doing this, as does my love, so I feel grateful to be spending most of my January with these people, who inspire me and fill me with hope. What comes of all our plans is another matter altogether, but the great thing about this month is that we don't have to worry about that just yet - it's only January - time to simply think, try some things out tentatively, start feeling for the changes we would like to make, and find projects that we would like to pursue. One of my New Year's resolutions is to do recipe testing more frequently - I am writing a cookbook, and I have many old recipes that need honing and perfecting... and as in life, you never know how you're going to do that until you actually start doing it. These spiced-lamb beetroot symbolize a step toward my final goal. In this higher purpose, they are not only tasty, but also extremely important beetroot

Cook the beetroot in boiling water for
about 40min. Peel and scoop out the insides. Meanwhile, fry the minced
lamb in a small knob of butter with the
garlic, and use a fork to break up the mince. Add the spices, season and
finally add the cooked rice. Continue cooking while squashing with the fork.
Stuff the beets with the mixture and cover with breadcrumbs. Place in a baking
tray, drizzle with
olive oil and bake for about 30min
6 large beetroot
150g minced lamb
150g cooked white rice
1 teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon cinnamon
2 tablespoons breadbrumbs
Knob of butter (about 25g)
Olive oil
Garlic clove or two
Salt and pepper
Sour cream to serve
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