Sunday 1 July 2012

Brillat Savarin Triple Creme Cheese

I bought a whole Brillat Savarin Tripe Creme from The Deli Downstairs a couple of weeks ago, but stupidly, I didn't write down what it was called. It's just the most delicious cheese and we ate the whole thing in an afternoon, so perhaps I subconsciously wanted an excuse to go back and buy more. The lady at the counter said that people would be fighting over it. Luckily my friends are too nice to fight over cheese, but they definitely enjoyed it
This time I bought a quarter of it for the two of us, as you can see up there next to the strawberries. The cheese next to it was amazing too - it tasted just like a farm though, so may not be for everyone. And again, I failed to write down what it was called, so I will need to go back again next week to check and report back

1 comment:

  1. Perail that's what it's called - thank you Deli Downstairs for contacting me to let me know!
